Sometimes, when your trees need help and deciding whether to handle a dying, dead, or sick tree on your own or leave it to a professional can be challenging. While there are many preventative tree care measures that homeowners can manage themselves, certain tasks are best left to the experts. Tree professionals have the experience and tools to properly diagnose tree issues and safely address emergencies.

Attempting to deal with a tree emergency yourself can lead to injury, further damage to the tree, or harm to your property. To help you decide when it’s time to call a professional, we’ve gathered a list of the top six signs that indicate you should contact a tree expert.

1. Your Trees Need Help: The Trees Have Touched Power Lines

Your Trees Need Help

If tree branches, leaves, or twigs have grown into or around power lines, this is a serious fire hazard. In fact, trees growing into power lines have been linked to wildfires. Attempting to trim branches near power lines without proper training or equipment is extremely dangerous and can result in injury, fires, or even death. It also puts nearby properties and neighbors at risk.

If you notice trees on your property touching power lines, you should act immediately by contacting a professional tree service to safely remove the threat. If you see any trees in your neighborhood posing a similar danger, it’s a good idea to report them to the proper authorities.

2. Your Trees Need Help: Tree Branches Have Split or Are About to Fall

After strong winds or storms, weak branches are likely to fall, split, or crack. When this happens, you may be tempted to remove the damaged branches yourself. However, doing so can be dangerous and result in serious injury.

Many professional tree services offer emergency assistance and can quickly respond, especially after major storms. To avoid risking injury to yourself or causing further damage to your property or the tree, it’s best to call a professional to handle the removal of weakened branches.

3. Your Trees Need Help: Roots Have Been Exposed

A red car parked next to a fallen tree awaiting Property Cleanout.

Several factors, such as improper pruning, can cause trees to lean to one side, eventually leading to uprooting and creating a fall hazard. If you notice any trees with exposed root systems on your property or nearby, it’s crucial to call a professional.

Waiting until the tree falls or attempting to brace it yourself can be extremely dangerous. While it may seem like an accident waiting to happen, falling trees have been known to cause serious injuries or fatalities.

4. Your Trees Need Help: Tree Branches Have Reached Your Home

If you hear tree branches tapping against your window, there’s a chance that strong winds could break the glass. Though it may be tempting to cut down these branches on your own, it’s much safer to call a tree service professional.

Improper pruning can lead to severe accidents, and falling branches pose a serious threat to the safety of people, pets, and property. If you see branches resting on or rubbing against your home, don’t take the risk of removing them yourself—hire a professional.

5. Visible Decay

A person holding a chainsaw over a log for Tree Removal Florida.

Visible decay is a clear sign that a tree is weakening. As the tree rots from the inside out, it will begin to lose branches and limbs, increasing the risk of falling and causing damage. When you notice decay, it’s important to contact a tree service professional right away. They can assess the situation and determine if the tree can be saved with proper treatment, potentially avoiding the cost of full tree removal.

6. The Tree Has Fallen Down

If you have a large property, it may take some time before you notice a fallen tree. However, in more populated areas, a fallen tree is hard to miss. If a tree has fallen on your property but hasn’t caused damage, blocked a road or sidewalk, or endangered other trees, it’s up to you whether or not to remove it. On the other hand, if a tree has fallen in a public place like a road or park, it’s essential to contact city officials right away to have it removed promptly.

When Should You Remove a Tree?

A man cutting down a tree with a chainsaw for Tree Removal Florida.

Tree removal isn’t always the best solution. While some people may be quick to consider removing a tree, professional tree services may be able to save and preserve it. After all, trees are vital to our environment.

If you’re unsure whether a tree should be removed, it’s wise to consult with a professional arborist before making any decisions about removal or major pruning. In some cases, however, tree removal is necessary to protect the surrounding environment. Here are some reasons why tree removal might be the best course of action:

Poses a Fall Risk

As trees grow larger and older, the risk of them falling increases. If these trees are near homes or buildings, they can pose a serious threat to people and property. Harsh weather conditions or heavy snow can cause large limbs to fall onto roofs.

If these limbs can’t be trimmed without damaging the tree, it may be time to remove it. Leaning trees and exposed root systems are also signs of a potential fall hazard. In some cases, trees can be saved through cabling or bracing, so be sure to have a professional assess the situation.

Infested by Pests

Certain invasive species, like the Emerald Ash Borer, continue to devastate tree populations. While experts often encourage treatment for infested trees, there are cases where saving the tree isn’t possible. Infected trees can pose a threat to surrounding vegetation and should be removed. To determine whether a tree can be treated or must be removed, it’s best to consult with a professional arborist.

Compromises Quality of Life

When it comes to tree removal, this is one of the most touching subjects. After all, quality of life can be subjective. Sometimes people justify tree removal for aesthetic reasons. Perhaps they want to make some room for new construction, want to use solar panels, or the trees are blocking the view. These reasons can be justifiable.

Nitro Home Maintenance offers tree removal services in key cities in Florida such as Keystone, Brandon, Tampa, Venice, etc. For more information, just email us at or call us at 727-317-7404.